Dental Implants In Contemporary Restorative Dentistry

It is a well-established principle of Dentistry, that unless there is no other option, teeth should not be extracted. But, except for teeth removed for orthodontic reasons, if a tooth needs to be extracted, it should be replaced – one way or another – as soon as possible. Also, most of the time, missing teeth […]
Why Should Anyone Visit A Dentist?

When people play sports, or work around the house, or do practically anything else, and they injure themselves, most of the time they know about it right away, because something hurts. If we even just scrape our shinbone against a coffee-table, it will hurt us even before we see any evidence of the injury. That’s […]
I don’t have any pain, how can I have a problem?

When we injure ourselves, practically anywhere on our bodies, we usually experience pain instantly. Whether it is a paper-cut, or a splinter, or a speck in the eye, or a stubbed-toe. There is pain, it is immediate, and it compels us to do something. Teeth don’t always give an immediate signal that something is wrong; […]
Why Do Root Canal Treated Teeth Break

Root canal treatment is often the choice whenever a tooth causes serious pain to an individual. The tooth may hurt for one of many different reasons. 1. There is very deep, extensive tooth decay that has affected the nerve. 2. There is a very large, extensive filling in that tooth (that may have been there […]
Routine Dental Care

A dental checkup is an essential part of maintaining proper oral hygiene, which is an important factor in your overall health. A dental visit consists of two parts: an examination from your dentist, and a professional cleaning. Your dentist will perform a comprehensive examination of the oral cavity, first looking at all of the soft […]